Work and Money Reading

K_WorkM wants to know how work will fare in the final quarter of this year. Specifically with money.

What a throw! The word power pops out at me and I see the two bats under the shell right above it. A purple and black bat. They look like they are taking cover. The shell is open and receptive. Under the power is a cup which is also sitting upright and open and receptive. There is an O. There is a dolphin, a fairy, our magical unicorn, 2 rings – one gold circle and the other a diamond like ring. The clear flower in the upper left hand corner looks like the moon to me shining it's light on the rest of the objects – or should I say reflecting it's light. The bats are nocturnal and so is Saturn to me. 

There is a lot going on behind the scenes at M's work. All in all M is protected. The dolphin is a symbol of protection. The unicorn to me is also protection and there is a black cat with it's face down. M needs to keep her eyes open and to be very intuitive. Listen carefully. Do not jump to any conclusions but allow all the messages to come to her without judgment. There will be power struggles at work but she is protected and so is a male she works with. There are things that are demanding to be learned but she will be grateful for the lesson in the end. It's like a saturnian return. Saturn is the task master. Saturn ushers us forward, helps us evolve. The rose symbolizes that all will be well that there is hope. In my mind's eye I see the 5 of pentacles card in my Lo Scarabeo deck with the dark pink rose peeking through the snow, brazen and full of hope and joy. She has known joy and hope at work. Saturn teaches us our limitations and boundaries. The butterfly off to the left tells me how much she has grown in this job, transformed. She has really blossomed. The upside down S in the shell look to me like in the end she will be compensated. The O looks to me like she will be surprised. 

I see a V it opens to the upper left and the point is the diamond ring. So much for her has changed. The ring is so far away from the other items, in fact the V is made without the ring. Promises broken. The ring just elongates it. Actually I see two Vs a large one that ends with the ring and a smaller one. There are two Vs in her life. The gold ring under the purple unicorn charm gives her strength and power to meet life's challenges and to rework her hopes and wishes. She will do this with a clear picture of what will make her happy. What will bring her forward. She wants purity and charm. She wants protection and whimsy. It's there for the taking.

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