October 2010 Astroflash

By Flash Silvermoon

Congratulations all, we have made it through a very tumultuous summer. Given that we are sitting here together and reading these words in my monthly horoscope, it is fair to say that we made it safely through some of the more challenging aspects that the Universe has thrown our way in some time.  I trust we are all in the midst of some phase of transformation and or integration of some major shifts in our lives. 

Since Uranus and Jupiter have both slid back temporarily into watery Pisces,there is a little break now in the intensity and that is all for the good.

These are some crazy times I must tell you when the right wing nutters  are marching in the streets, instead of the usual suspects, promoting candidates that are barely qualified to be dog catcher and promoting a sexual politic that would leave a Tibetan monk feeling a little too frisky, we are living in Interesting Times! To top it all, the "free radicals" are being chased by anti oxidants while a very scary "I Have a Dream" is dreamed not by the disenfranchised but by some over-stuffed media bully. As Whoopie would say,"WHAT THE HELL!"

These main movers and shakers in our planetary world are all retrograde. Uranus and Jupiter are conjoined and stirring up some mighty creative juices in Pisces and in the next house, we have Siamese twins, Neptune and asteroid Chiron cuddling up against the wild winds of Aquarius. These placements can offer many energies and again, I can feel the possibilities of some serious storms with Jupiter expanding the unpredictable energies of Uranus stirring up the Piscean waters and Neptune, ruler of the water and seas in the Uranus ruled sign of Aquarius which can whip the winds to a frenzy.

As the month begins, Mercury opposes the Uranus /Jupiter aspect which could bring about some very lively conversations and some amazing inventions. Fortunately the aforementioned aspects lend them selves nicely to both rare scientific discoveries and startling artistic expressions rather than the fierce Arian fires of the summer.

Talk about Fire, Venus and Mars conjoin at 13 Scorpio on Oct. 4 which will turn up the heat in all our relationships. If you are hoping for a new love or to warm up the love you already have this is a great time and you will definitely want to make your move before Oct. 7 when Venus, the lovely Goddess of Love, turns retrograde til Nov. 19 drawing our romantic energies  towards a more internal place for reflection.

Mars and Venus will still be close and steamy for a while but after a few days, the forward motion will will cease and ya might wonder who turned out the lights.All that being said, be ready to really enjoy the heat  and passion to a deeper level than ever during the first two weeks of October.

With Saturn moving towards the New Moon in Libra on Oct 7, we could hear a lot about treaties and laws. Will there be Peace in the Middle East? There is certainly the need and with these energies there is a chance as long as both sides agree to be Fair. 

Balance will be a key word on many levels during much of Oct. and another Full Moon in Aries on the 22nd will bring more attention to our relationships which can be challenged with the polarities of Mars and Venus, Aries and Libra. How much do we do for ourselves/others, how dependent/independent/interdependent can we be? One way or another we will find the best ways to achieve peace and harmony.

You may want to refer back to my info in Sept. Monthly Horoscope about how to handle the Full Moon in Aries as this one occurs on the very last degree which some astrologers call a critical degree.

War and Peace can be  two sides of the same coin both emanating from a need for things to be FAIR and with Saturn in Libra, there are no shortcuts and no slight of hand. Some folks do not have a sense of humor about being lied to so hopefully, not too much saber rattling this month Please.

Good News, the Dogs of War will have a harder time making their mischief around the Full Moon because the Divine Feminine energies will be blessing us with their harmonizing vibrations as Asteroids Ceres conjoins Pluto and Vesta draws forth the most ancient wisdom of the Goddess rites when she conjoins Vesta.This influence bodes well at a time when the world as we know it has seemed to have lost its collective minds and once again we will be reminded that Mama knows best!

Oct. 31, Halloween, or Samhain  is one of my favorite times of the year and I am glad that we are getting a nice dose of potent energy from the Ancient Mothers. Pagans celebrate this as the New Year and unlike our more secular New Year's Eve, this is a time when the "Veil is thin", when the Spirits of our Ancestors walk the Earth and are more available to commune and speak with us. I am glad that Halloween falls on Sunday this year which kind of keeps the Night itself more reserved for the true celebration of this most powerful Holy Day.

With a Leo Moon til midnight, there will be plenty of energy for revelry.

It is always an important time to honor your ancestors whether you know them or not, the powerful women and men who have given their lives to make the world a better place,as well as those who have passed, we give and receive Blessings to them all on this night.

For those women so inclined, we will be having a Samhain Circle at Moonhaven in Melrose as always on Sun. Oct 31 under the generous arms of the Grandmother Tree. 6PM potluck, 7PM Circle bring your drums etc good vibes and whatever you need to be outside [ please no toxic bug stuff ] . Weather is usually fine and always good to have a fire keeper on the land earlier. call Flash for directions (352) 475-2432

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Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2010

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