February Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes feature six different decks.  Each deck is used twice.  See the individual scopes for identification and publisher. - Ed.



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Hermit (2 of Pentacles) 

Although life demands a great deal of activity, it doesn’t need to be to the point of exhaustion. Being productive isn’t the same as being busy and, in fact, the quality of your work is less dependent on what you do then how you do it. Notice how you may be using work as a way of avoiding deeper reflection. Make an effort to be present with yourself while dealing with life’s affairs. You’ll see that much of your frenetic energy dissipates.   Taking time each day to reflect and regulate your sensitive system is the best way of ensuring optimal productivity. 

Images from The Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo published by Lo Scarabeo with Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Tower (9 of Swords) 

You can be wasteful or productive – the choice is yours. Your high energy level, if properly channeled, can assist you in accomplishing a great deal in a short time. Without strong focus you could just be hyperactive and scattered. Prepare to meet your worries and fears. All the worrying you’re doing will bring you face-to-face with a mighty challenge which is meant to develop your character. Scary as this challenge seems, the lesson here is to pick up the pieces and build again. Be mindful as temptation meets opportunity, you may be knee-deep in a situation before your conscience kicks in.

Images from The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington published by Sterling Ethos.



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Chariot (Knight of Wands) 

Get ready for a wild ride this month. The goal is action; however, a reckless pursuit will land you smack in the middle of major upheaval. If you act with clear intention, you are likely to catapult yourself into the next major phase of a project or life situation. Avoid “the grass is always greener” syndrome and focus on how to bring more passion to what you’re already doing. If you’re traveling this month, take extra caution and be sure your vehicle’s maintenance is up-to-date. If you’re about to enter into a new job or living situation, this will be a successful month.

Images from The Buckland Romani Tarot by Raymond Buckland published by Galde Press, Inc.



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Sun (4 of Pentacles) 

Self-acceptance is the highest form of personal power. When you embrace the totality of who you are, the desperate need for material security begins to diminish. During the darkest of times, it is not the physical comforts that will save you, but rather the awareness of your uniqueness that will lead you back into the light. As you grow to trust in the Universe and the nature of your character, you will find positive reflections of that knowing. Use this time for self-expression and focus your energy on making conscious decisions. You will find fulfillment in even the smallest of tasks.

Images from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso published by U. S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Emperor (6 of Swords) 

When you were a child and had not yet developed your autonomy, authorities like parents, teachers, police and the government represented authority. Then, as a natural life passage, you rebelled against that establishment. Through this process you developed a deeper understanding of your own unique power. In the areas that you feel disempowered, you are again being called upon to reclaim a sense of command. No one can make you feel subservient but yourself. This shift of authority will lead you to a place of least resistance. When you accept responsibility for your journey, you are truly your own keeper. 

Images from the Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti.



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Star (10 of Pentacles) 

Hope is a gift often overlooked and undervalued. Even when life seems dull, there is a shimmering light of hope just beyond the shadows of doubt. However, it is your responsibility to detect it, and, more importantly, it is your choice to believe in it. Failure is merely an inability to see and believe in another possibility. Family finances weigh heavily on your mind; you won’t be comfortable unless you can provide for and protect those you love. Although your faith will be tested regarding what you consider to be a stable situation, you will know what to do.



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Devil (Queen of Wands) 

In order to see yourself in your entire splendor, you must not cling to value judgments of good and bad as they are irrelevant and often distracting. As you embrace both your light and dark aspects, you’ll find more space for honest self-expression. You may also want to question the value of your current relationships. Is what you’re getting out of them equal to what you’re giving? As you have compassion for your own shortcomings, so will others; and as you accept and come to respect all that is within you, you will have the freedom to accept others. 

Images from The Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo published by Lo Scarabeo with Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Strength (Page of Pentacles) 

Passion is fleeting and overrated, especially when it’s the only currency you depend on. What might start out as an inspiration will easily dissolve into fantasy if not supported by consistent action. If you plan to be effective, then you must be willing to commit yourself to the entire process, menial as parts of it will be. You have considerable resources to make the most of what you want, but be sure to keep taking small, detailed steps and complete what you start. Chances are your small projects will gain enough momentum that you will find yourself busier than you expected. 

Images from The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington published by Sterling Ethos.



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Lovers (10 of Swords) 

An important decision must be made, and, unfortunately, with this choice comes the harsh reality of a sacrifice. The end result is not as important as what motivated the choice in the first place. If you believe the negative messages running through your mind, you will find yourself in a stressful gridlock. Reason as you may, there is actually no right or wrong choice. However, your choices say more about you than you realize. The end of the month finds you at a crossroads in conflict with your values; be sure to choose with integrity.

Images from The Buckland Romani Tarot by Raymond Buckland published by Galde Press, Inc.



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World (5 of Wands) 

Problems arise and recede like the waves on the ocean, but no one ever promised life would be easy. Take a look at what’s been bothering you lately and remember that, in some way, you have contributed to the onset and/or upkeep of the issue. Before getting defensive, keep in mind that acknowledging this offers you the power to change it. The solution to this quandary could be a blow to your ego. Nevertheless, you will have the freedom to choose how you react. Spend time examining your most perplexing problems, then try turning the drama into comedy.

Images from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso published by U. S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Hanged Man (Page of Swords) 

Too much thinking has caused your current impasse. Your focus on trivial concerns has stunted the development of fresh ideas; your recurring stress is nothing more than ongoing commentary in your mind. Fortunately, if you suspend analysis, you’ll get a new vantage point from which to quietly view your life. A project in the making will encounter several frustrating delays. Don’t listen to the naysayers, including the ones in your head. To pull yourself out of this mental deadlock, you will need to make a radical paradigm shift. Be mindful of your words this month as ears are everywhere.

Images from the Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti.



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Judgment (5 of Cups) 

If you really want to move out of the dark, you’re going to have to let go of the hurt you’re carrying around. Yes, your expectations have not been met, and yes, it hurts, but if you dwell on this too long, you are as much to blame as the situation. As they say, “Cry a river then build a bridge and get over it.” Take responsibility for your feelings and reevaluate your intentions, you’ll find that you’re either pushing too hard or holding on too tightly. Your refusal to move forward is only prolonging the distress – behind the dark clouds is the sun.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2012 Questions? Comments? Contact us at reflections@ata-tarot.com.