January Message from the Fae

By Terri C.

The holidays are finally behind us and those post holiday winter blues may be settling in on some of you.  You may be feeling a huge sense of relief that the holidays are over.  Many of you are digging out of snowstorms, while others are experiencing cold and frigid weather.  Whatever you are experiencing, smile!  It makes people wonder what you are up to!

This month, I am trying something a bit different with the Frolicking Fae and I am using an oracle made up of buttons and miniatures instead of a deck of cards.  I hope you find the following reading helpful in some way.

The first part of the month, your focus should be on what you want to change for 2010.  What do you want out of this month?  This quarter?  Where do you want to be when the first half of the year is over?  What about by the end of the year?  Now would be a GREAT time to put together a vision board or write those goals down.

Another important place to put your focus this month is on your significant other.  If you do not have one, then focus on you.  Tell that person (or yourself), how much you love them every day.  Show them, in little ways, how much you care.  Maybe offer to make their favorite dinner, let them pick a movie, or go for a walk together.  Enjoy each other’s company.

During the middle of the month, those nagging questions about your work (and please know, that if you are a stay at home mom, I consider that OVERTIME), will no longer be questions.  Everything comes together in a very nice way.  Do not rush into any decisions that need to made during this particular time frame.

Spend some time during the middle of the month focusing on you, do some creative visualization, use your written goals or vision board as a springboard for this visualization.  See yourself after the goals are met.

Toward the end of the month, a work or career decision needs to be made. If you make a change, be ready to flow with the change.  You have the choice to stay the course, but this subtle change could mean more green in your pocket.

For those of you with weight loss related goals, don’t be too hard on yourself towards the end of the month.  When beginning a new diet or exercise program, it’s important to remember to be gentle with yourself in the beginning.  Make changes slowly.  Don’t push yourself to hard too fast.

All month, remember you are a unique person.  You are the only YOU that we have and YOU are important and are loved!

As always, I hope you find that this message from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month!!  Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!

See you again, next month and keep the faith!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2010

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