In This Issue

Happy October, everyone!  October is a busy month!  Harvesting is fully underway, if not completed.  Fairs and festivals celebrate the bounty of the year and everyone wonders where the year has gone!

Before I go any further though, I would like to get the important business out of the way and announce the winner of the September contest, the recipient of a new Mystical Dreamer Tarot!  The correct answer was The Emperor from the Sacred Art Tarot.

Congratulations, Tiffany Davis of Durham, North Carolina!

As I mentioned before, October is a great and busy month for nearly everyone, myself included!  This October is the first anniversary of Melanie Harris and I publishing Tarot Reflections and I have to say that time really flies when we're having fun!  I'd like to thank Melanie Harris and all the contributors for all the hard work over the past year --- without you all, there would be no Tarot Reflections!

So, to celebrate the season, and the occasion, we are doing something special!  You might notice that this issue appears a bit small compared to other months... this is because we are also publishing a HALLOWEEN SUPPLEMENT this month as well!  As a special Trick or Treat to our readers, we are also going to have TWO contests this month (one for OCTOBER and one for HALLOWEEN) -- so watch for the HALLOWEEN SUPPLEMENT to be added to this issue on October 15th!

Please note that the October contest, in this issue, ENDS on OCTOBER 14th, with the drawing of a winner on OCTOBER 14.  The reason we are holding this contest early is so that the winner can get the deck in time to use it by Halloween!  The winner of the October contest will be announced in the HALLOWEEN SUPPLEMENT.  The Halloween contest will go until the end of the month as the other contests have, and the winner will be announced in the November 2008 Tarot Reflections.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008

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