August 2012 Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Fool (3 of Swords) 

A problematic situation may worsen this month if you don’t take immediate action. Look around and see what you are missing. Don’t be too sure of yourself, and be honest about whether your actions are just. By the end of the month, you’ll discover a betrayal by a so-called ally. It would be best to keep your private affairs private. A wolf in sheep’s clothing isn’t your friend. Don’t be surprised by the enormous changes this betrayal triggers; after the crisis there will be plenty of time to reflect. In the long run it will be better that it occurred.

Images from The Zombie Tarot created by Stacey Graham, Paul Kepple and Ralph Geroni published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Judgment (5 of Wands) 

It may feel like you’ve been beating your head against a brick wall when nothing seems to move in the direction you desire. These complications are the consequences of previous actions. As you realize this, you will find that you still have choices and room for movement. The week of the 13th brings power struggles with others. There’s no need to prove your point, just move on. Unfair as it may be, there is more freedom in accepting what is and starting again. If you’re looking for new employment, you might want to change the direction of you search.

Images from The Gilded Tarot Royale created by Ciro Marchetti.



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Sun (10 of Swords) 

To see the radiance of the light you must clean the cobwebs from the windows. Ask yourself how your perception has become muddied by destructive or repetitive thoughts, and your emotions polluted by resentments, anger, desperation and fears. Although these are simply feelings, they are preventing you from moving on. The week of the 12th may be explosive. Use this energy constructively to dismantle your fortress of negativity. You must change your inner vision in order to affect your outer circumstances. Taking a look at your emotional attachments, you’ll be surprised by the amount of “clutter” you have. 

Images from The Ator Tarot Royale created by Robin Ator.



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Empress (Page of Swords) 

Those little nagging voices of self-contempt may be in need of a sweet lullaby. As you venture into a new phase of life, you may be accompanied by an annoying sense of doubt, causing you to question your capabilities and dedication. Instead of denying this voice, find a way to soothe it. Engage in a compassionate conversation asking it (a.k.a. yourself) what there is to fear. Also, be wary of others who place uncertainty in your path; don’t take on their fears. Ask for what you are worth at work, and refrain from bickering in relationships. Choose your words wisely!

Images from The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III created by Robert M. Place.



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Strength (8 of Swords) 

Areas in life that feel stagnant have more potential than you realize. If you accept your circumstances, you’ll regain your momentum. Your restrictions are self-imposed and the result of misplaced ideals. Re-examine your lofty goals and see how they have become a hindrance rather than an asset. You may be ignoring your own power or projecting it onto something outside you. The most important lessons are those in which you overcome yourself. Find resolve in accomplishments from the past. After the 25th your challenges will begin to dissipate; take advantage and make a move. Those who have not vacationed this year – go!

Images from the Cat's Eye Tarot created by Debra M. Givin, DVM and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Justice (10 of Pentacles) 

Take inventory of what you value, then ask yourself what matters most; be honest about your priorities and how you invest your time. Do you feel that work taking away from time with your family, or is your family interfering with the pursuit of your dreams? Be honest about the excuses you make; it’s always easier to blame the situation than to accept responsibility for your actions. After all, most situations are a consequence of your choices. Brutal objectivity forces you to remove the mask and face the mirror. Around the 17th, pleasant rewards await those involved in legal matters or other business arrangements.

Images from The Wildwood Tarot: Wherein Wisdom Resides created by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington, published by Sterling Ethos.



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Death (3 of Pentacles) 

You are beginning a new chapter in both family and career.  Your productivity and concentration are at a peak during this transitional phase, so make sure you express yourself though positive outlets: maybe an old hobby that you put on the back burner or a new one you’ve always thought about trying. Focus on synthesis, such as a new project at work or collaborating with others. Involving your lover in your plans will bring you closer together. The week of the 25th is an excellent time to finalize your plans, but don’t be surprised if the plans totally change!

Images from The Zombie Tarot created by Stacey Graham, Paul Kepple and Ralph Geroni published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Devil (4 of Cups) 

When you focus too strongly on what is wrong, a pervading sense of ambivalence will creep into your life and blur your sense of reality. You’ve been putting too much emphasis on some form of security: a relationship, job or lifestyle. You don’t realize how much this is holding you back and you’re overlooking an opportunity right in front of your eyes. Concerns over safety often prevent you from exploring the inner reaches of your soul—dive in! You’ll be offered something strange the weekend of the 4th. Before you dismiss it, consider how it could benefit you.

Images from The Gilded Tarot Royale created by Ciro Marchetti.



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Moon (8 of Pentacles) 

Your new commitment is much harder to keep than you expected and you may be feeling the weight of that responsibility. Keep in mind that this feeling is only temporary and the work you’re doing will pay off in time. Get comfortable with delaying satisfaction. Self-discipline is another area that could use your attention. Remember, too much discipline and you’re likely to act out destructively; not enough and you’ll undermine your efforts. The first week of the month will present some unexpected challenges, so be sure to remain focused and present, even if it costs you something.

Images from The Ator Tarot Royale created by Robin Ator.



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Wheel of Fortune (5 of Pentacles) 

New opportunities for growth will emerge from the challenges of the past, but you must show up to claim your golden ticket. Poverty consciousness is not only about what you have or don’t have, it’s a mindset that precludes you from the abundance of the universe and your inherent resources. If you look within yourself to find wealth, you may discover that what you thought was missing was simply misplaced. How do you expect to collect more when you neglect what you already have? A circuitous question perhaps, but no thing will satisfy you if you cannot satisfy yourself.

Images from The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III created by Robert M. Place.



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Star (7 of Cups) 

Dream the impossible dream… Your imagination is quite fertile this month, so feel free to plant seeds of fantasy. Visions may unexpectedly bombard both your waking and dreaming mind. Within each are buried treasures; however, to reap their value you must detach from your rational thinking. Find ways to connect with your deeper feelings: listen to music, meditate, walk in nature and spend quality time with those you care about. Most importantly, have faith in your visions and trust that their language is as essential as that of your logical mind. Strange coincidences will yield favorable results.

Images from the Cat's Eye Tarot created by Debra M. Givin, DVM and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Hierophant (7 of Swords) 

Beliefs form the basis of personal philosophies, which directly influence the justifications we give. In the search to discover meaning, it can be unfortunate to fit new experiences into an outdated context. You’re being challenged to reinvent yourself, beginning with the ideas you are defined by. Look beyond the labels and qualifications to find the real you. You’re not simply a collection of qualities, you’re an infinite source of wisdom. Though it may be challenging, you must identify and release your limiting beliefs. This month, advice will come in a most unexpected way!

Images from The Wildwood Tarot: Wherein Wisdom Resides created by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthington, published by Sterling Ethos.

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