June Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Empress (6 of Pentacles)

Generosity is what makes the world go round. This may be a little idealistic, but it’s still an ideal worth striving for. It can also be said that love is an extension of generosity, especially when it’s given without expecting it to be returned. How do you share your love? Do you give only to those you know will give it back? Notice your feelings when you offer love and kindness. You’ll realize that you are the one who benefits most from giving.  This month brings you a situation in which letting go is the highest expression of love.

Images from the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Death (4 of Swords)

Ever notice how your moods color your perceptions? When you’re in a bad mood, nothing seems to go right; when you’re in a good mood, little things don’t bother you. What if you could look at every situation and choose your feelings rather than reacting from your current mood? Well, first, you’d need to take stock of your attitudes, especially the subconscious ones. Next time you react to a situation, really ask yourself if you even believe the chatter in your head. To change your life, you must change your outlook. Start small, ask for help, and be who you say you are.

Images from the Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III created and published by Robert M. Place.



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Lovers (10 of Swords)

It has been said, “tell me who/what you love and I’ll tell you who you are.” Life is a network of relationships. Your preferences in people, entertainment, work, clothes, etc. reveal a lot about you. More importantly, things you don’t like and avoid also reveal information. However, this information is often hidden from even you.  Something or someone will trigger an ugly side of you; before acting impetuously, ask yourself what you’re really feeling and how it fits with the picture you have of yourself. While there’s still an uncomfortable decision to be made, at least it will be a conscious one.

Major Arcana image from the Les Adorables Tarot by Lynyrd Narciso.

Minor Arcana image from The Medieval Scapini Tarot by Luigi Scapini published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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High Priestess (5 of Wands)

Problems, trials, and obstacles, oh my! Ever think about how much energy these consume and how distracting they are? There must be something important about them, or you wouldn’t spend so much time caught up in them. Take a moment to evaluate how many of your problems are a reflection of your fears. Notice how you keep ending up in situations that mirror your inner struggles. When you’re confused, you create confusion around you. To get clear about the meaning of your struggles, tune-in to your thoughts and feelings. Step back from the drama and listen to your inner voice.

Images from the Tarot of the Crone created by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince and published by The Tarot Connection.



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World (Knight of Cups)

The desire for unity is at the core of all longing. We all desire a connection to something greater than ourselves. This might take the form of a relationship, a creative or humanitarian endeavor, or a quest for self-healing. All of these rely on the same principle of love, and allow you to share and express love.  A feeling of inspiration this month will lead you to begin a new journey. Don’t worry if at first it feels unreal. The result is not as important as the process. You need to find closure about something you’re holding onto.

Images from The Gilded Tarot Royale created and published by Ciro Marchetti.



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Moon (Knight of Wands)

Emotions need to be recognized and accepted in order to be resolved. When denied and ignored, they defeat you and inevitably grow bigger, or worse, you come across them in others. Have the courage to encounter your scariest feelings: anger, jealousy, regret, shame, and despair. Giving attention to them actually takes away their sting. Don’t allow fear to rob you of this journey. You’ve got some buried treasures underneath all the yuck, yet to find them and enrich your life, you must dare to go into the abyss. Those traveling this month, be careful and trust your intuition about new people and places.

Images from The Steampunk Tarot created by Barbara Moore and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Justice (King of Cups) 

Choosing to participate actively in your life engenders a feeling of well-being and confidence. The temptation to shirk responsibility by avoidance or dependence will only lead to complex problems. Over the years, you’ve developed a keen sense of what you consider to be morally right and wrong. When faced with an issue, you must trust and use the guidance of this moral compass to evaluate the situation fairly. Although your feelings may sometimes lean in favor of the easy road, you must find a balance between the two. Remember that an emotionally charged mind makes for a discontented heart. 

Images from the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Chariot (5 of Pentacles)

Emotions can energize you, keeping you involved in the moment, or they can control, consume and even threaten you. It’s not really the emotion per se, but your response to it that drives you. You must practice maintaining control of your reactions and discipline over your mind if you are to conquer your ego. Ego is the “I” that is easily offended by not getting its way, whereas Self is the driver that can always see a higher path.  You’re causing yourself stress by focusing on problems. Go confidently in the direction of the solution and don’t take yourself so seriously.

Images from the Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III created and published by Robert M. Place.



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Magician (10 of Pentacles)

Self-confidence has its positives and negatives, like anything else, but confidence without humility can be dangerous. There’s a thin line between feeling good about yourself and believing that you’re better than others. Unfortunately, importance tends to be measured by what one possesses, be it material, knowledge, or experience. Confidence rooted in love and acceptance never needs to prove its value. Being true to yourself and others, will afford you an abundant life. A successful opportunity is available this month if you can temper the desire for instant gratification. Your success will come as a result of enhancing another’s.  

Major Arcana image from the Les Adorables Tarot by Lynyrd Narciso.

Minor Arcana image from The Medieval Scapini Tarot by Luigi Scapini published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Hanged Man (2 of Cups)

Relationships are like a revolving door in life – where one person disappears, another emerges.  Why make yourself dizzy chasing someone who wants to leave? You must close the door to the past before entering the door opening today. Sadness, like water, should flow. Don’t get stuck in self-pity; it’s natural to outgrow relationships, and holding onto someone because of shared history keeps you stuck in the past. As hard as you try, you cannot force someone to feel what you feel. Take time to reflect on which relationships you need to let go. If you’re tired of waiting, then stop.

Images from the Tarot of the Crone created by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince and published by The Tarot Connection.



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Devil (King of Swords)

Control and perfectionism are illusions, and they’re major obstacles to personal growth. To live in the illusion that you can avoid failure is like believing you are immortal. There’s no way, nor should there be, to escape disappointment. In fact, bigger life lessons come from failure than from success, as does your character. Notice how you are denying your personhood by presenting a false impression of yourself. You’ve become trapped in a façade. Strip it away and get real, even if it makes you vulnerable and ugly. Learn to laugh at yourself because the truth is, others probably are.

Images from The Gilded Tarot Royale created and published by Ciro Marchetti.



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Judgment (7 of Swords)

Spiritual awakenings reveal a power greater than yourself. This could come as an experience of god or perhaps an awesome experience of oneness. Either way, the mind must be subdued and surrendered. Self-destructive tendencies litter the path to this awakening. In order to reach some measure of clarity, you must clear the path. Begin by taking responsibility for your part in your problems. If another has betrayed you, forgive them and yourself for fostering toxic emotions. Instead of blaming others, be honest about how you’ve participated. No one said awakening was easy – look at how many prefer to asleep!

Images from The Steampunk Tarot created by Barbara Moore and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors and all images and content is used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2012 Questions? Comments? Contact us at reflections@ata-tarot.com.